Please note that the Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation and the Kingston Archaeology Centre have closed. This site is still available for historical and informational reasons, but none of the services or products described here are available anymore.

Week 5 - Hardy Har Hearth

This week we took a shot in the dark and put our trowels where no trowel has ever gone before - in search of the western wall! After revealing more of the southern wall, a continuation of the eastern wall, as well as the northern wall and hearth, we decided to attempt the impossible and go 4 for 4 in one season. Using some maps and documents that came our way (from where guys? THE ARCHIVES!), we measured from the eastern wall exactly 38 feet across and stumbled upon another change in the grass colour. Two clues were enough and we ripped off the soil to reveal the final piece of the stone foundation puzzle. We can now, almost officially, say that we have found the 1813 Naval Hospital. But please do not think this is the end for our project, as we still have much to discover about the site. Why was it demolished? How? Where are the interior walls? Where are all the rooms located? Is the Dead House (morgue) attached, or is it a separate building? Also in week 5, our friends from CKWS stopped by to check out the site.

You can see the news report here :

(All footage is property of CKWS.)