Please note that the Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation and the Kingston Archaeology Centre have closed. This site is still available for historical and informational reasons, but none of the services or products described here are available anymore.


The Spark that turned Kingston into Ashes

A Short Story by Catherine Raby

In the most recent edition of the newsletter Subsoil, CARF's own Catherine Raby published a short story entitled "The Spark that turned Kingston into Ashes". The story is also available as a PDF.

For more information about Catherine's writing, please see her website.

Director of Operations, Statement of Qualifications

We have published a Statement of Qualifications and a Job Description for a Director of Operations. Applicants must submit a resume along with a covering letter to demonstrate how they meet the statement of qualifications for the position of Director of Operations. Applicants must also provide the names and contact information for two references.

The full Statement of Qualifications can be downloaded here. The full Job Description can be found here.

Scavenger Hunt

Since its founding in 1983 the Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation has conducted numerous excavations on a variety of sites in Kingston. This hunt takes you to some of those places. Visit all the sites and collect the clues for a chance to win.

Download the PDF

Colouring Contest and Archaeology Quiz

In preparation for Archaeology Week 2010, we've created a Colouring Contest and an Archaeology Quiz. Colouring Contest submissions must be handed in to the Kingston Archaeology Centre by noon on Wednesday June 23. The Quiz can be handed in at the KAC or filled out electronically and emailed to, but in either case it must be received by Friday June 25th at 4:00pm.

Both can be downloaded below:

Archaeology Week

June 21-25, 2010

We have planned a host of great events leading up to and during Archaeology Week, including:

  • a kids' colouring contest
  • a booth in the market for First Capital Day
  • an open house as part of "Doors Open Kingston"
  • week-long events such as an archaeology quiz and a scavenger hunt
  • free educational programs for adults on Monday June 21
  • "Bring Your Artifact" day on Tuesday June 22
  • "Members Appreciation Night" on Wednesday June 23
  • a "Behind the Scenes" tour of the Archaeological Centre on Thursday June 24
  • a BBQ lunch on Friday June 25

For more information about these and other events, please see our official Schedule of Events, or contact us.

UPDATE: Anyone who participates in three or more of our events will have his or her name entered in a draw for a free week of camp! Contact us for details.

Summer Jobs

We are currently looking to fill several summer positions. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation

The Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation has just received a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to undertake "green" renovations that will improve accessibility, safety, and comfort for staff and volunteers, as well as improve environmental and economic efficiencies.

Upcoming Talks by Senior Archaeologist Susan Bazely

CARF Executive Director and Senior Archaeologist Susan Bazely will be giving two talks in January:

Sunday January 17 at 2pm at Bridge Street United Church in Belleville

Susan will give a talk entitled "The Foundation for Good Restoration" at the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario - Quinte Branch Annual General Meeting.

Sunday January 24 at 2pm at the Kingston Archaeological Centre

Susan will give a talk on History and Archaeology at the Royal Naval Dockyard. (RMC) for the Preserve Our Wrecks Kingston Annual General Meeting.

Snake Hill Chronicles

A Short Story by Catherine Raby

For a recent edition of the newsletter Subsoil, CARF's own Catherine Raby wrote a short story entitled "Snake Hill Chronicles: The Drummer's Consequence". An extended version of the story is available as a PDF.

Part II of the Snake Hill Chronicles is subtitled "The Forlorn Hope" and is also available as a PDF.

Part III of the Snake Hill Chronicles is also available. It's subtitled "In Enemy Hands".

For more information about Catherine's writing, please see her website.