Please note that the Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation and the Kingston Archaeology Centre have closed. This site is still available for historical and informational reasons, but none of the services or products described here are available anymore.

National Volunteer Week

We would like to thank all our volunteers for their generous gift of time and effort.

In 2011, 20 Volunteers contributed 944 hours to the Foundation. Their contribution helped the Foundation accomplish several significant projects in addition to assisting the Foundation’s staff with smaller tasks in the daily running of the Centre. Volunteer accomplishments in 2011 included:

  • the development of a collection of ‘teaching’ artifacts to be used in the Foundation’s education programs;
  • the creation of a complete digital record of the Foundation’s archaeological reports from 1980 – 2000; and
  • the ongoing project of artifact numbering.

Volunteer time spent at the Foundation in 2011 was distributed as follows:

Distribution of Volunteer Hours